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Get a single asset

Base URL:

Path: /assets/{ASSET_ID}

Method: GET

Query parameters

This API does not require any query parameters.


The response is an non-nullable JSON object with the following fields:

dataAsset | nullReturned data from the query. If error is non-null, then this value will be null.
errorError | nullAny error returned from the query. If data is non-null, then this value will be null.

Asset Object

idstringID of the asset.
namestringName of the asset.
statusoperation | planning | maintenanceStatus of the asset.
grid_zonechugoku | chubu | kyushu | hokkaido | hokuriku | tokyo | kansai | tohoku | shikoku | okinawaGrid zone the asset is located in.
latitudefloatDistance of the asset north or south of the earth's equator, expressed in degrees.
longitudefloatDistance of the asset east or west of the earth's equator, expressed in degrees.
altitudefloatAsset site altitude, expressed in meters.
location_namestringName of the asset's location.
subsidy_schemefit | fip | none | fit_to_fipSubsidy scheme the asset is currently under.
fit_ratefloat | nullFIT approved for your asset in Japanese Yen.
fit_start_datestring | nullStart time of the asset's FIT subsidy, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
fip_ratefloat | nullFIP approved for your asset in Japanese Yen.
fip_start_datestring | nullStart time of the asset's FIP subsidy, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
cod_datestringExpected date of grid interconnection, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
metering_dayintegerDay of the calendar month that the asset meters will be read by the electric utility.
meti_permit_numberstring | nullID provided to you by METI upon asset registration.
meti_application_idstring | nullSecondary METI ID used for ownership transfer.
location_idstring | nullID provided to you by your grid operator.
developer_idstring | nullID of the Developer.
om_provider_idstring | nullID of the OM provider.
epc_company_idstring | nullID of the EPC company.
balancing_group_idstringID of the balancing group the asset is associated with.
spv_idstring | nullID of the SPV the asset is associated with.
readable_idstringHuman readable ID of the asset. Should be in the format XXX-A-{INTEGER}. Ex XXX-A-1 or XXX-A-10.
is_using_advanced_lossesbooleanIndicates if the asset is using the advanced losses flag.
simulation_statussucceeded | failed | pending | runningStatus of the simulation for the asset.
created_atstringTime the asset was created at, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
updated_atstringTime the asset was updated at, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
creator_user_idstringID of the user who created the asset.
grid_codestring | nullCode for OCCTO submission file.
contract_classification_number_2string | nullNumber for OCCTO submission file.
scenario_idstringID of the scenario that is associated with the asset.

Error object

messagestringMessage that explains what went wrong.
codeinternal_server_error | not_authorized | resource_not_foundError code that occurred.

Example request

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header "authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"

Example responses

Asset exists and no error occurs

"data": {
"id": "51d5ffcf-1347-4277-93e8-dfca140fe8b3",
"name": "Demo asset",
"status": "planning",
"grid_zone": "tokyo",
"latitude": 38.543,
"longitude": 138.564,
"altitude": 0,
"location_name": "Greenfield",
"subsidy_scheme": "fit_to_fip",
"fit_rate": 12,
"fit_start_date": "2022-01-01T15:00:00Z",
"fip_rate": 15,
"fip_start_date": "2023-01-01T15:00:00Z",
"cod_date": "2022-01-01T15:00:00Z",
"metering_day": 1,
"meti_permit_number": null,
"meti_application_id": null,
"location_id": null,
"developer_id": null,
"om_provider_id": null,
"epc_company_id": null,
"balancing_group_id": "5ca33061-3ad3-4051-9518-0af37f68f861",
"spv_id": null,
"readable_id": "XXX-A-1",
"is_using_advanced_losses": true,
"simulation_status": "succeeded",
"created_at": "2021-12-29T15:21:11Z",
"updated_at": "2022-01-01T12:11:00Z",
"creator_user_id": "9696f450-569d-4c79-995b-36d959eb3182",
"grid_code": null,
"contract_classification_number_2": null,
"scenario_id": "c387383d-bf50-4c90-8a82-f72ad6383ba4"
"error": null

Error occurs during operation

"data": null,
"error": {
"message": "something went wrong during the process",
"code": "internal_server_error"

Asset does not exist and no error occurs during operation

"data": null,
"error": null