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Electricity price forecasts

Use the price forecast API to get the most recent Tensor AI forecast of JEPX electricity prices in all grid zones of Japan. New day-ahead forecasts are available from 6:00 JST daily.

Base URL:

Path: /price-forecast

Method: GET

Query parameters

If no query parameters are provided as part of the request, the default interval will be [today, today + 3 days].

fromstringStarting time for the interval to retrieve forecast from, expressed in the following format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z.false
tostringEnding time for the interval to retrieve forecasts to, expressed in the following format: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z. The interval between from and to cannot exceed 31 days.false


The response is a non-nullable JSON object with the following fields:

data[PriceForecastSet] | nullReturned data from the query. If error is non-null, then this value will be null.
errorError | nullAny error returned from the query. If data is non-null, then this value will be null.

PriceForecastSet object

datetimestringTimestamp of the JEPX time slot, expressed as an ISO 8601 compliant UTC timestamp.
pricesZonePricesObject that contains all grid zone prices. All zones are expressed in JPY/kWh.

ZonePrices object

All fields in this object are nullable.

chugokufloat | nullPrice for Chugoku Denryoku utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
chubufloat | nullPrice for Chubu utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
kyushufloat | nullPrice for Kyushu utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
hokkaidofloat | nullPrice for Hokkaido utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
hokurikufloat | nullPrice for Hokuriku utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
tokyofloat | nullPrice for Tokyo utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
kansaifloat | nullPrice for Kansai utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
tohokufloat | nullPrice for Tohoku utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
shikokufloat | nullPrice for Shikoku utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
okinawafloat | nullPrice for Okinawa utility grid zone in JPY/kWh.
systemfloat | nullSystem price in JPY/kWh.

Error object

messagestringMessage that explains what went wrong.
codeinternal_server_error | invalid_query_parameterError code that occurred.

Example request

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header "authorization: Bearer ${API_TOKEN}"

Example responses

No error occurs during operation

"data": [
"datetime": "2022-01-01T15:00:00Z",
"prices": {
"chugoku": 10.1,
"chubu": 10.1,
"kyushu": 10.1,
"hokkaido": 10.1,
"hokuriku": 10.1,
"tokyo": 10.1,
"kansai": 10.1,
"tohoku": 10.1,
"shikoku": 10.1,
"okinawa": null,
"system": 10.1
"datetime": "2022-01-01T15:30:00Z",
"prices": {
"chugoku": 10.1,
"chubu": 10.1,
"kyushu": 10.1,
"hokkaido": 10.1,
"hokuriku": 10.1,
"tokyo": 10.1,
"kansai": 10.1,
"tohoku": 10.1,
"shikoku": 10.1,
"okinawa": null,
"system": 10.1
"error": null

Error occurs during operation

"data": null,
"error": {
"message": "something went wrong during the process",
"code": "internal_server_error"

No forecasts exist within desired interval

"data": [],
"error": null