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This is a high-level introduction to Tensor Cloud, our flagship product. We are proud to be part of the global energy transition and hope you are as excited as we are about the potential of Tensor Cloud to change the way IPPs, investors, and green electricity buyers are interacting with each other and with the renewable energy assets that are powering our future.

What is Tensor Cloud?

With Tensor Cloud, you can predict, measure, and manage the economic and technical performance of renewable energy assets. Tensor Cloud simplifies or automates many jobs during the development and operational phases of the renewable asset lifecycle. Some of these major jobs are:

  • Financial modeling of assets and PPAs
  • Access to market and grid data
  • Fully automated electricity generation forecasts
  • Sharing of simulations with other stakeholders
  • Day-ahead and intraday real-time prediction of electricity generation
  • Daily reporting to OCCTO
  • Battery charge and discharge schedule optimization
  • Storing, retrieving, and sharing asset- and PPA-related files and documents
  • Automated energy trading on JEPX

Tensor Cloud was built with scalability in mind, and is especially well-suited for large portfolios of hundreds or thousands of distributed assets. It allows even small teams to efficiently manage these portfolios, reduces time spent on repetitive overhead activities, and helps all stakeholders make better decisions.

How does Tensor Cloud work?

Simply put, Tensor Cloud creates a digital twin of your asset before it is built. Over the asset's lifetime, you can enrich this digital twin with more information, such as PPA contract terms, detailed technical specifications, market assumptions, and real-time operational data.

During the asset development phase, you can simulate how your asset will likely perform over its lifetime under different market conditions, contracting terms, or when connected to other assets such as co-located battery storage. You will be able to share the results of these simulations with investors, PPA offtakers or other external parties with just a few clicks.

After your asset is built and connected to the electricity grid, your teams will be able to use Tensor Cloud to seamlessly manage all aspects of asset operation, including forecasting, regulatory reporting, and energy trading.

Tensor Cloud will ingest and store real-time generation data from your asset to allow constant comparison of actual versus predicted performance. Our machine-learning algorithms will also leverage this data to further increase forecasting accuracy and to provide you with early warnings of equipment failure.

Although mainly geared towards the FIP/PPA market, Tensor Cloud will allow you to add legacy assets that are already grid-connected, including FIT solar PV and wind installations.

Building blocks

Assets, PPAs and Scenarios are the basic building blocks of your portfolio on Tensor Cloud. You can add, edit, and delete these building blocks to your liking.


An Asset can be a solar PV or wind installation, or a battery system. In the case of solar PV, a single asset can consist of several arrays, strings and inverters.

Each Asset can be assigned to exactly one PPA and one scenario. We are working on enabling simulation of more complex cases such as multiple chained PPAs, transitioning a FIT asset to operate under the FIP/PPA scheme, or operating an asset under a PPA after the 20-year FIT period expires.


On Tensor Cloud, Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which are contracts between buyers of green electricity and sellers or owners of the assets generating the electricity, can be easily created and managed. PPAs can bundle hundreds of assets into a single contract. Tensor Cloud allows to simulate the economic outcomes not only of single assets, but also those of PPAs with electricity generated by many assets. Changing the terms of a PPA will change the economic outcomes of all attached assets.


Scenarios on Tensor Cloud contain assumptions about macro-economic and energy market developments in the future. You can create assumptions about the most important drivers of asset value such as electricity prices, inflation rates, and curtailment. While you can create completely custom assumptions about the future, Tensor Cloud comes with a number of built-in assumptions that are based on publicly available data from government ministries and industry associations.

Although you can create as many scenarios as you like, each asset can only be assigned a single scenario. Changing a scenario, will change the simulated outcomes of all associated assets.

Tensor Cloud contains a default scenario that all assets will be assigned to when they are created.

How do I navigate Tensor Cloud?

Navigation on Tensor Cloud is centered around the collapsible left-hand sidebar that brings you quickly to the most relevant sections. The sidebar is split into 5 parts:

  1. Dashboards and simulations show an overview of your portfolio and allow sharing of simulations
  2. Assets, PPAs, and SPVs as the basic building blocks of your renewable energy portfolio on Tensor Cloud
  3. Trading and Balancing, alllow you to perform daily operational tasks for assets in your portfolio.
  4. Scenarios and Market data houses tools to influence simulation outcomes and display charts containing market development
  5. Settings, where you can customize Tensor Cloud to your needs


The second level of navigation is the horizontal bar on top of each section that gives you access to all important subsections on Tensor Cloud. New features will usually be made available in this top bar, so you might see more frequent changes of content and order than in the main sidebar navigation.

Top Navigation

Common UI Elements

We try to re-use and standardize most parts of the Tensor Cloud interface. Below are some elements you will find in many places on Tensor Cloud.

Date Picker

There are many places on Tensor Cloud where you will need to select a date. Our date picker allows you to quickly select dates, even if they are years in the past, using only your mouse. You can move through time either by month or by year with a click on the current year bringing you to a visual month and year selection.


Charts on Tensor Cloud come in many variations and while some work slightly different than others, some elements are shared among all of them. Although Tensor Cloud features a few exotic chart types, you will most commonly see bar charts, line charts, area charts and waterfall diagrams.

Settings for an individual chart are always located on the top right of the chart. Most commonly you will find Data and Time Resolution or Time Range.

Top Navigation

Some charts come with a rapid navigation timeline below the main chart area that allows you to quickly scrub through even the most detailed data. Clicking and dragging will zoom in on the selected area. You can adjust the selected area by either dragging one of the handles on either end, or by using your mouse wheel to zoom in and out. You can also drag and drop the selected area to move forward or backward in time. Clicking once outside of the selected area will reset the zoom.

If your chart has a variable resolution and the resolution setting is set to 'Auto', the chart will automatically select the best data resolution based on your screen size and zoom level.

One of our main goals at Tensor Energy is to replace legacy workflows centered around Microsoft Excel. This is why many charts have a spreadsheet area below that shows you the raw data underlying the chart.

The spreadsheet will adapt to the selected chart resolution and can easily be navigated by using your mouse scroll wheel, clicking dragging your mouse, and by using the navigation arrows on either side of the spreadsheet. If the spreadsheet is wider than your screen, clicking on any place in the main chart will scroll to the corresponding position in the spreadsheet.