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Simulation page

After your simulation has been created, you can open it by clicking its name or ID in the simulation list. Even complex simulations containing millions of data points should open in less than one second.

Simulation on Tensor Cloud are comprised of sections, and shown on a single scrollable page with a top navigation and filtering bar.

Filtering and comparing

To drill down into the detailed simulation results for each asset, use the filtering dropdown to show only data for the selected asset or PPA. The scenario filtering dropdown allows you to choose among all scenarios in scope of the simulation and make quick comparisons.


Selecting an asset or PPA in the filtering dropdown will filter all sections of the simulation, including KPI cards, lists, and charts.

Table of contents

Hovering your mouse over the icon left of the asset filtering dropdown will show the table of contents that allows you to quickly jump to a specific section of the simulation.

Simulation sections

Simulations on Tensor Cloud contain 9 pre-defined sections which are described in detail below.


The summary section contains a card showing the name of the workspace under which the simulation has been issued, the name of the creating user, and the date of simulation creation.

Key indicators

The summary section consists of 6 cards showing details on major financial and technical KPIs. On the top right side of this section is a switch that toggles between absolute and relative display for the CAPEX and revenue cards. Depending on your settings, units will be shown relative to the kWp or Wp asset capacity.

Number of assets

This card shows the number of assets contained in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.

Total AC capacity

This card shows a sum of the AC capacity of all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.

Number of PPAs

This card shows the number of PPAs across all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.


This card shows the pooled IRR for all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.


This card shows either total or relative CAPEX of all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.


This card shows either total or relative revenues for all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.


This section contains a list of all assets included in scope of the simulation, their key technical specs, performance indicators, and names of any associated PPAs. If the simulation contains more than 10 assets, you can expand the list by clicking the Show all button at the bottom of the list.

An expandable map allows you to see all assets at a glance and inspect their geographic locations.


This section features a list of expandable cards, one for each PPA included in scope of the simulation. In their contracted state, the cards will show the name of the PPA, the type of PPA, the total DC capacity of all associated assets, and the contract term.

Clicking a contracted card will expand it, showing more detailed PPA options, across four major categories.


This section contains a chart that works similarly to the generation chart in the asset view. It shows a sum of net electricity generation and curtailment for all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection. You can switch between yearly and monthly resolution using the resolution switcher on the top right of the chart.

You can switch between yearly and monthly resolution using the resolution switcher on the top right of the chart and explore the numbers in more detail using the mini spreadsheet below the chart.


This section contains a chart that works similarly to the revenue chart in the asset view. It shows a sum of revenues from all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.

You can switch between yearly and monthly resolution using the resolution switcher on the top right of the chart. To better understand individual sources of revenue, use the data switcher, also located on the top right of the chart.

To explore the numbers in more detail, use the mini spreadsheet below the chart. For a detailed explanation of each revenue source, see the asset view section.


This section contains a chart that works similarly to the CAPEX breakdown chart in the asset view. It shows summed CAPEX across all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection by CAPEX category.

Cash flows

This section contains a chart that works similarly to the net cash flow chart in the asset view. It shows simplified income statement for all assets in scope of the simulation or filtered selection.

You can switch between yearly or monthly resolution and between yearly or cumulative numbers using the resolution switcher and data options on the top right of the chart respectively. To explore the numbers in more detail, use the mini spreadsheet below the chart.


The scenarios card in this section documents all assumptions that were used in the currently selected scenario.


Some assumptions (e.g., average price, curtailment) contain values for each grid zone, this section will only show numbers for those grid zones where assets in scope of the simulation are located. In other words: If your simulation only contains assets in Kyushu, this section will not show price assumptions for the Hokkaido grid zone.