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Tensor Cloud Generic CSV Upload for Monitoring Data


This document outlines the format and standards for uploading generic monitoring data to Tensor Cloud. Please adhere to the specifications provided below to ensure accurate and efficient data processing.

File Format

  • Encoding: UTF-8 without BOM
  • File Extension: .csv
  • Column Separator: Comma (,)
  • Line Breaks: LF (Unix/Linux) or CRLF (Windows)

General Guidelines

  • Include a header row with the exact column names specified below.
  • Ensure all dates and times are in JST (UTC +9).
  • Do not include units in numeric fields.
  • Avoid leading and trailing spaces; trim values if necessary.
  • Use the specified data format for each field.

30-minute resolution

For files with data in 30-minute resolution, values represent the sums (or average where applicable) over the 30-minute interval starting from Date.

Required Fields (30-minute)

Field NameDescriptionFormat/TypeExample
DateDate and time in JSTString2024-01-31 15:30
交流電力量(kWh)AC power (kWh)Number25.3

Optional Fields (30-minute)

Field NameDescriptionFormat/TypeExample
日射量(kWh/m2)Solar radiation (kWh/m2)Number123.0
気温(℃)Temperature (℃)Number19.5
直流電圧(V)DC voltage (V)Number123.0
直流電流(A)DC current (A)Number123.0
直流電力量(kWh)DC power (kWh)Number123.0
交流電圧(V)AC voltage (V)Number123.0
交流電流(A)AC current (A)Number123.0

Sample CSV (30-minute)

2024-01-31 00:00,0.0
2024-01-31 00:30,0.0
2024-01-31 01:00,0.0
2024-01-31 01:30,0.0

1-minute resolution

For files with data in 1-minute resolution, values represent the instantaneous values at Date.

Required Fields (1-minute)

Field NameDescriptionFormat/TypeExample
DateDate and time in JSTString2024-01-31 15:30
交流電力(kW)AC power (kW)Number25.3

Optional Fields (1-minute)

Field NameDescriptionFormat/TypeExample
日射強度(kW/m2)Solar radiation (kW/m2)Number123.0
気温(℃)Temperature (℃)Number19.5
直流電圧(V)DC voltage (V)Number123.0
直流電流(A)DC current (A)Number123.0
直流電力(kW)DC power (kW)Number123.0
交流電圧(V)AC voltage (V)Number123.0
交流電流(A)AC current (A)Number123.0

Sample CSV (1-minute)

2024-01-31 00:00,0.0
2024-01-31 00:01,0.0
2024-01-31 00:02,0.0
2024-01-31 00:03,0.0