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Tensor Cloud settings


Profile Picture

To be easily recognized among users, you can upload a profile picture that will be visible to other users in the workspaces you joined. Users outside these workspaces cannot see it. Once you upload a picture, an algorithm will crop it and choose the best area for profile picture. If you do not upload any picture, Tensor Cloud will generate one for you automatically.


Minimum resolution of a profile picture is 150x150 pixels. Supported file types are JPEG, PNG, and WebP, with a maximum size of 10MB.


Your name may appear around Tensor Cloud where you contribute or are mentioned. Change it at any time from what you have set it to during account registration.

Email Address

During the pilot phase, Tensor Cloud does not allow you to change your email address.


Pick your language of choice for the Tensor Cloud UI. Currently, you can choose between Japanese and English.

Unit display

You can choose the unit that Tensor Cloud uses to show you data relative to the DC size of assets. Most commonly this will be useful when managing asset operating costs.

Changing your password

You can change your login password in this dialog.


Tensor Cloud currently does not allow you to change your email address.

Account Deletion

Tensor Cloud will allow for fully automated account deletion in the future. During the pilot phase, the Delete Account button will default to sending us an email so we can delete accounts on your behalf.


You can view a list of all members of your workspace, their names and email addresses, the time they were added to your workspace, and the time they were last active. You can sort the member list ascending and descending by clicking on any of the column titles.


Workspace administrators can rename the workspace at any time by inputting the new, desired name in the input textbox within the Workspace Information subsection and clicking the Save button.

Adding and removing members

If you are an admin for your workspace, you can click the Invite button at the top right of the user list. Invite up to 25 members to your workspace by entering their email addresses separated by comma, space or by pressing enter after each address. You can also paste a list of email addresses into the text box.

To remove a member, click the three-dot menu on the right side of the member list, select Remove member, and confirm removal in the popup dialog.


If a user is removed from all workspaces, their account will not be deleted. However, to continue to use Tensor Cloud, they will have to be invited by either an admin of an existing workspace, or by Tensor support to create a new workspace.

Member roles

By clicking the three-dot menu on the right of each member, as an admin, you can change their role. Currently, we support two roles:

  1. Admins, who can rename the workspace, invite new members to the workspace and change roles of existing members
  2. Users, who can use the platform fully but may not be able to access specific administrative functions such as adding new members or changing their roles

Make sure you monitor the member list from time to time to ensure that no users from outside of your workspace have been invited by one of your Admins unintentionally.



The sending company. Each company is assigned a unique 4-digit code by OCCTO. In many cases this code is suffixed with a single digit indicating the operating area and used as the 5-digit "Operator code".


Information registered in the OCCTO plan submission master. It is registered for each operating area and a unique plan submission code is assigned.


In this section, you can manage lists of stakeholders that appear in various places on Tensor Cloud:

  • Offtakers
  • EPC Providers
  • O&M Providers
  • Developers

In all stakeholders lists you can delete an entry by selecting it with the checkbox on the left and clicking the Delete button in the float menu that appears on the bottom of the screen.


Just adding a company name to any of these lists will not give that company access to any information in your account, nor will it inform the company that you have added it to Tensor Cloud. None of the information in these lists is shared with any other Tensor Cloud customers or with any third parties. These lists are only available to you and people in your workspace to help you better organize your asset portfolio.